Check File Type - Latest Results

Files checked this week: 100,094
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Latest Results for "VAX"

Wed Apr 24 07:23data (VAX COFF executable - version 28086)
Mon Apr 22 11:16Microsoft Word 2007+ (VAX COFF executable)
Mon Apr 22 02:10data (VAX COFF executable)
Thu Mar 28 21:16data (VAX COFF executable not stripped - version 29312)
Fri Mar 22 15:31UTF-8 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators (VAX COFF executable not stripped)
Fri Mar 22 15:30XML 1.0 document, ASCII text (VAX COFF executable not stripped - version 28299)
Fri Mar 15 18:51data (VAX COFF executable not stripped - version 20300)

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